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Sword Of Sodan
Hersteller : Disney Software
Genre : 1989
Jahr :
Bewertung : 71 %

So you bought Sword of Sodan and now you can't get past the second disk. well maybe I can help a bit. Since this is an arcade style game it is sometimes difficult to give an accurate description of what to do, so in some cases you'll have to improvise a bit. Before you get your hopes up completely take note that while I have made it all the way to the Wizard I never beaten him (he's one tough mother). I have heard that the spells (magic zapper, power shield) will not work against him, and personal experience has shown this to be true. I have also heard that typing the word "nancy" at the title screen will put you into unlimited lives mode, but I have had no luck with this feature. Anyway, this walk thru may just get you there

scene 1 "AT THE CITY'S GATE"

move forward when you hear "HALT STRANGER" stop for a moment and let the soldiers "spread out a bit". Now move forward and use forward stabs. (I find that just holding the joystick forward while tapping the button works just dandy) When you have driven the soldiers back to the door, back up and repeat the above procedure. NOTE if you get hit BACK UP RIGHT AWAY. you will get a magic zapper on this board


wait until the first spike is down. Move forward and jump over the second spike. (you are now on top of the third spike which is presently down but not for long) As soon as the forth spike is down move forward and jump over the fifth spike. You are now clear of the first group of spikes take note of where the second group starts because the gap between the two groups is where you want to battle the lone soldier. Get as close to the soldier as you can and use overhead blows when he backs up use forward stabs. Thus driving him back into the second group of spikes. DON'T FOLLOW HIM INTO THE SPIKES Back up and let him come towards you (soldiers are stupid that way) you should be able to finish him off now. Once he is dead just wait until the second group of spikes are down and walk across. NOTE do not stop between the spikes in the second group, it may look safe but it is not.


JUMP OVER BARRELS yeah sure no problem this is one of those scenes where you'll have to improvise a bit. In general when ever you hear a barrel coming, back up and jump forwards over it. Also it is a good idea not to get to close to the guys with the axes use forward stabs. When (and if) you get past these guys you have to battle the giant while still jumping over the occasional barrel. This is a good place to use your first magic zapper. It will weaken him and he will drop to his knees so you can chop his head off (cool soundfx). You may want save the magic zapper for later it will be more useful then, but then again the giant is pretty tough to beat without it. you will get a power shield on this board


The guys with the mohawks are pretty easy to kill just move forward while tapping the fire button and they're history. The scorpion lizards are a different story if you're in no hurry just kneel and stab and stay that way eventually you will kill them. You can get through faster if every time they back up you move forward a bit. you will get another power shield and extra hitstrength on this board


This can be a tough one. Jump over the barrels, duck under the "things" that come out of the ghouls mouths (could be a job for Scope) and kill the ghouls. This is an ideal place to use a power shield but be warned it will not last the entire board so try to get past a few ghouls before you use it. Also if one of the ghouls gets past you he will slow you down. since time is of the essence it is best to back up and kill the ghoul (remember your power shield will run out, also note that the sound of the power shield will stop a few seconds before it runs out) If you don't make it to the end of the screen before your power shield runs out, you can use the other one and it will last into the next board (this makes it easier now and on the next board but you may regret it latter) you will get an extra life and extra hitstrength on this board

At last the castle Craggamoor


Beware of traps there are two of them the first trap starts where the hall ends. jump over the trap. It is impossible to describe the exact location of the second trap but, it is near the forth pillar. If you have the power shield on, jump over the first trap and attack the warrior by moving forward and tapping the fire button (don't worry about the second trap it won't open if the warrior is on it as well) If you didn't use both power shields on the last board and you still have the magic zapper. Jump over the first trap. When you see the warrior use the magic zapper, you then only have to hit him once. jump over the second trap and you're home free. NOTE if you fall in a trap you lose strength only, pay close attention to when you re-appear on the board the trap will be open for a split second. You will usually appear right in front of the trap and jumping forward right away will get you past it. you will get a magic zapper on this board


descend the stairs when you get close to the winged beasties, stand your ground and just hold the joystick up while firing (overhead blow). The stupid little buggers will kept flying into your sword until they are dead. once they are dead, move forward until you see a magician USE THE ZAPPER to kill him right away or else he will get you. you will get a magic zapper on this board


The first thing you will face will be fireballs on the ground. The only way to deal with them is to jump over them (note that you will hear them coming). Then it gets a little tougher the fire balls keep coming and now you have to deal with huge stone pillars dropping from the ceiling. Then the fireballs stop (but not the pillars) and there are now spikes coming up from the floor (if you have lots of men left, or are almost dead anyway stand on top of one. pretty gruesome eh.) If you get past all this you will now have to jump onto blocks that are floating around in a lava pit. If you get past this the fireballs are back and there are drops of blue acid dropping from the ceiling. NOTE when a fireball comes, jump straight up not forward or you will probably get touched by the acid. When you get past this you will be facing a stone devil head (this took me a while to figure out) kneel down and strike his tooth several times and VOILA a secret door opens. you will get an extra life on this board


First thing you will encounter are those stupid winged beasties again. they are a little tougher but all that means is it takes a little longer. kill them the same way you did last time, just use overhead blows. get past two of them and there's two more. Get past them and now you face a worm like thing doing circles. Don't be fooled by the fact that it has no energy meter it WILL harm you. Get as close as you can and when it is going up, and you can get under it, move forward and jump over it when it is going down. move forward a bit and finally your on the neat looking bird you saw on the package. HINT the animal is hungry. obviously you have to feed it. the only food around is the worm you just passed. So back up taking care not to let the worm touch you (it doesn't hurt the bird just you). The bird now eats the worm. You can now jump. move forward until you are trapped in between two walls. When the water gets high start jumping, the water will then go down, the walls disappear, and you can continue moving forward. This next part is real tough. You have strike the shots coming at you while making sure you are not on top of any fires. You will notice that one of those worm heads is on top of the wall, occasionally it will fly towards you. You have to jump and use an overhead blow to kill it. If you can't do that don't worry there is a time limit on this wall and eventually it will disappear.


Same deal as last time. Only difference is this time there is a new exit

scene 11 "THE WIZARDS TOWER" Congratulations you are almost there

I certainly hope you have a power shield left over because you'll need it here. Use your power shield and attack. it will take a lot of hits to defeat this creature. If you have a magic zapper and you used it on the creature you may have to battle it again. Once you are past it. This is the moment you've been waiting for. Like I said at the beginning of this walk thru I haven't beaten him yet. But then again if people told you how to do everything, life would be pretty boring don't you think. My only guess is to dodge his shots and hit him when you can (just like real life).

( Autor: King Tut )

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