
S - Spiele Index T - Spiele

Scary Mutant Space Aliens From Mars
Hersteller : Readysoft Inc.
Genre : Abenteuer
Jahr : 1989
Bewertung : 58 %


search bed ( you find a crumpled wrapper ), get wrapper, examine desk ( it has a drawer ),

open drawer, examine drawer (you find a pen), get pen, open closet door, e, get bat, w,

open bedroom door, s, d, s, examine table ( you find a coin ), get coin, get pillow, w,

search sink (you find a bar of soap), get soap, e, nw ( an alien is searching your fridge ),

wait ( the alien notices you, screams and falls dead to the floor ),

examine alien ( you find a strange device ), get device,

examine device ( seems to be some sort of remote control ),

examine refrigerator (you find a piece of smelly old cheese), get cheese, e, open door, e,

n, press button ( the strange device opens up the door to the spaceship ),

n ( you are inside the spaceship )


e, n, open can, put cheese in can ( fuel for the spaceship ), s, move crates, ne,

examine crates ( you find a red crate ), open red crate, examine red crate, get gun, sw, s, get belt,

get manual, read manual, drop all, get wrapper, get coin, n,

e ( animated combat sequence ), examine computer, examine screen, type "x36mzz4e" ( copy protection ),

examine screen ( a list over possible destinations appears on the screen ),

type "2" ( off to Venus ),


w, w, s, s, s, examine bar, get napkin, n, e, s, w, get something, e, n, e,

s ( animated combat sequence ), d, get whip, get level one card, u, n, n, n,

order drink ( you are ignored), order drink (you are ignored ),

order drink (tou are ignored), order drink ( you are ignored ),

order drink ( you are ignored, but the alien gives you some information ), s, e, n, n, e,

get zapometer, w, n, n ( animated combat sequence ), n, open door, e, examine desk,

open drawer, search drawer, get magnet, w, s, s, s, s, s, w, w, examine wheel,

( save a game at this point - if you lose the bet - restore and try again until you win )

bet coin under 7 ( you win a venusoid ), e, s, e, n, buy postcard (with the wrapper), s, w,

w, w, n, n, e, n, drop all except zapometer, s, e, type "9" ( off to Pluto )


w, w, s, s, ne, get transmitter, sw, s, w, get level three card, e, s, e, press button 2,

e, s, get vacuum, get screwdriver, get crowbar, get pencil,

press zap-button ( you return to the spaceship ), e, n, drop all except transmitter, s, e,

type "2" ( return to Venus )


w, w, s, s, e, e, n, n,

give transmitter to alien ( the alien fixes the broken transmitter and gives you a new one ),

press trans-button ( off to Saturn )


open door, e, s, get white wire, n, n, n, e, s, s, e, get book, w, s, e, get bone, w, n, n,

n, n, jump (you land on another roof), s, s, e, get gold, w, s, s, s, e, s, open door, s,

s, s, s, get disk, reach into water ( you find a rope ), climb rope, n, n, n, n, w, n, e, s,

s (animated combat sequence), get strippers, s, press purple button ( off to Mercury )


w, n, e, n, n, n ( you return to your spaceship ), e, e, examine computer, examine machine,

examine slot ( perfect for your disk) , put disk in slot, type "5" ( off to Jupiter )


w, w, s, se, e, se, get level two card, nw, w, nw, n, e, s, drop all except gold, n, e,

type "2" ( return to Venus )


w, w, s, s, e, e, e, e ( animated combat sequence ), n, n,

give gold to alien ( you get a level four security card in return ), s, s, w, s, e, s,

examine sink ( you see a drain ), search drain ( you find a ring ), get ring, open cupboard,

examine cupboard ( you find a glass ), get glass, s, get bottle, get 221 key, n,

n, w, n, w, w, w, n, n, e, e, type "7" ( off to Uranus )


w, w, s, e, get transfuser, w, n, e, e, type "8" ( off to Neptune )


w, w, s, w, se, n, w, sw, sw, s, w, get level five card, e, n, n, nw, n, e, e,

type "9" ( return to Pluto )


w, drop all, get level four card, get level five card, n, get level one card, get level three card, s, s,

get level two card, get white wire, get strippers, n, w, s, s, s, s, s, s, e, press 1, w, w,

examine controls,

examine switches, turn on red switch, turn on black switch, turn on white switch (the door slides open), n,

n, enter machine ( you are on your way to Mars )


wait ( 18 times - until wall collapses ), se, s, s, w, w, sw, s, se, ne, e, get class m security card,

e, e, get spacesuit, s, w, w, w, w, n, ne,

put class m security card in slot ( the door opens ), w, put level one card in slot,

press white button ( the door opens ), n, put level two card in slot,

press white button ( the door opens ), n, put level three card in slot,

press white button ( the door opens ), n, put level four card in slot,

press white button ( the door opens ), n, put level five card in slot,

press white button ( the door opens ), n, e ( animated combat sequence ), get meal card, e, s,

e, s, w, wear spacesuit, type "open pod bay door" ( TAL refuses ),

type "open pod bay door" ( TAL opens the door ), s, w, get shuttle key, e, n,

type "close pod bay door" ( TAL closes the door ), e, e, put white wire into slot, use strippers on white wire,

press green button, press red button, nw, d, sit in chair, put shuttle key into keyhole, press brown button,

press yellow button ( you have saved the Earth )

( Autor: Unbekannt )

S - Spiele Index T - Spiele