
O - Spiele Index P - Spiele

Hersteller : Penguin International
Genre : Abenteurer
Jahr : 1986
Bewertung : 52 %

Everything was going fine on your mission to pick up the counteractive substance from Labport V to save Earth's population from annihilation. The question now, however, is how did you get into this mess?

You awake to find yourself locked in a cell on an alien planet with nothing but the clothes you were wearing. Sitting in the cell is a bottle with some liquid in it and a tray of Terran food. Looking out your cell's window, you can see your ship, lonely and deserted. Let's get the heck out of here before whatever did this to you returns!

Get the food and the bottle and examine the cell door's lock. Looks sort of fragile. Kick the lock three times. With each subsequent kick, the lock becomes weaker until it breaks apart with your third kick. Open the door.

As you do so, an alarm sounds somewhere in the distance. No time to lounge around here! Go north to the Guard Post and push the red button. Whew! At least that blasted alarm has stopped. Right now, though, you're probably being fired at by an unseen alien. Push the green button on the panel and a door swings open revealing a pair of goggles and a laser gun. Get the laser and the goggles, then go east to the Intersection.

Uh-oh, there's an alien here, leveling his weapon right in your direction. Quickly, fire the laser at the alien. In wide-eyed, horrified silence, the alien realizes he's a goner! Your laser vaporizes him, and everything around you, neatly. For several seconds it seems you've also died; but as your surroundings reappear, you see you've survived! Now the game takes on a more leisurely pace.

Go west twice to the Recreation Lounge and play the strange game you see there. Ah, nice going! It seems you've won. The machine spits out a block of Vegan Silver as your prize. Take the block and go east twice back to the Intersection, and north three times to the Corridor Intersection. It's time you found more pratical clothing and a light source.

Go east into the Main Gravtube Room and push the button on the gravtube to activate it. Enter the tube and push the red button twice. What is that terrible odor? Exit the gravtube and you find out, rather abruptly, that the odor is coming from the Garbage Disposal you've just entered. A sound suddenly hisses to life, and your odoriferous surroundings become even more noxious as the escaping gas causes the garbage to decompose faster. If you don't do something soon, you'll be too asphyxiated to do anything at all!

Wear the goggles. Oh! Look, there on the far wall. A button! Push it and the hissing stops just as suddenly as it started. Soon, you feel much better and can take a closer look at your situation. Search the garbage. Yes, it's a gruesome idea, but it must be done. Eureka! You find your spacesuit, helmet and gloves. Get and wear all three items and go south back into the gravtube.

Push the blue button twice and exit back to the Main Gravtube Room. Go east twice to the Room of Light. Good thing you're still wearing your goggles. Light radiates from the walls in a blinding torrent. Without the goggles, you would've missed that Plasma Sphere on the floor here. Get the sphere and go east twice to the Main Gravtube Room, then north to the Vast Chamber. Go to the Podium you see north of you. There's a light-rod here! Now you can explore the rest of this planet without much trouble. Get the rod and go south twice back to the Main Gravtube Room.

Enter the tube and push red once, then exit the tube. Turn the rod on. Ignore the Pillar's writing for now. We'll come back to it later. Go north and turn the rod off. Go west and south twice and turn the rod on. Get the flask and cage from the Biology Lab, turn the rod off and go north twice and west twice. Turn the rod on and examine the sink in the Chemistry Lab. Put the flask in the sink and pull the handle on the acid dispenser. Soon the flask is filled with caustic acid. Get the flask, turn the rod off and go east twice, south, and west to the Sentinel's Room.

You see a Language Translator here, but try as you may, the Scanner just won't allow you to take it. Time to put him out of your misery. Simply firing the laser at the Scanner does nothing -- his shielding is too tough. Throw the flask at the Scanner. As the acid splashes on the Scanner, it eats holes in the shielding exposing the delicate wiring and chips. Now, fire the laser at the Scanner. In short order, you destroy it! Take the translator and go east, north, east, and north three times to the Corridor Intersection, then east to the Main Gravtube Room.

1 Cell to Scanner
2 Tube to Pool
3 Pool to Pillar Room
4 Pillar Room to Spaceport

Enter choice !2

Enter the tube and push blue and exit the tube. The cutest little critter you've ever seen is sitting here looking at you with large, round eyes. Why on earth it's called a Snarl is beyond human reasoning! Drop the goggles and get the Snarl. You catch it in the cage quite easily. Now open the airlock and go east to the Solarium Roof. Get the Gold Ring you find on the ledge and read the sign on the north wall. (Without the Language Translator, you'd not be able to!) Hm, "Emergency Exit." Well, this could be deemed an emergency, so go north. Doubts? Indecision? Well, it IS a 50-meter drop...oh, go for it!

Say YES, and as you feel yourself plummeting to certain death on an alien planet, a soft ramp extends, catching you neatly, and sliding you safely to the jungle floor below. Go east twice, west, and south to the Wide Tunnel, and drop the Sphere, Block, Bottle and Food. Now take a look at that nifty Gravcar sitting there. Latest model, too! Enter the car and push the up button. With a smooth lift, the car begins to rise up into the tunnel above you. Halfway up, it stops in the dark. Don't panic, just push the up button again. The car continues its ascent and deposits you at the top of the Tunnel. Go south, east twice, north three times, and west.

Read the Mosaic writing if you wish. It has nothing to do with solving the game. Go west again and turn the rod on. You find yourself in a Library. An odd crystal and a projector are here. Put the crystal in the projector and push the projector's button. A familiar scene plays before you; but, like the writing under the Mosaics, it offers no help in solving the game. Open the door on the north wall and go north into the Musty Room. The only thing of interest here is the Manual for Intergalactic Tachyon Drive Spacecraft. You'll need it in order to put your ship back together. Get the Manual, turn the rod off, and go east.

Shades of Escher! What is this place all about? The room you've entered seems to have six "floors!" This requires a calm head and cool thinking. No, hard as you try, there's just no logic to this place. Go up and you find yourself in another of these "floor rooms." Go down and sanity returns. You're in a Medical Amphitheater. Go down the stairs and you find yourself in front of a Stage. An odd creature, a Gryxks, is sitting serenely, guarding the Energy Converter from your ship! He's surprised to see you, as if you were some escaped laboratory animal. If only you had something to divert its attention long enough for you to grab your Converter and make a run for it!

Hm, laboratory animal? Cage? Snarl! Yes, open the cage and the Snarl dashes out having a jolly good time running in confusing circles around the Gryxks, who chases the pesky creature much as a human would chase a fly. Drop the cage, get the Converter and go up, south twice, and down to the Musty Room. Go south, and east four times to the Radiation Room. On a pedestal in the center of this dangerous room sits the navigation chip from your ship. Examination of your Energy Converter tells you that it converts lethal radiation into a clean energy source.

Put the converter into the radiation. The converter dissipates the radiation enough so that you can take your Navchip. Now get your Converter and go north. What a strange room this is! Every surface of the room is covered with dazzling Mirrors! And there, in the center of the room, is a 4-dimensional mirror. The mirrors in the room confuse and baffle you and you can't seem to see any exits. Look into the 4-dimensional mirror. Balance seems to return and you can plainly see several exits from the room. Only one is important. Go north into the room and turn the rod on.

You see a Viewscreen with a picture of another room inside this building. Only two of the views are important to you. Examination of the machinery in the Viewscreen Room shows you two buttons (red and blue) and the Data Card from your ship. Don't take your Data Card just yet, though. Push the blue button until you see the Frozen Room. This is where the vial from Labport V is located. Push the red button to open the chest in which the vial is locked. Now push the blue button until you see the Tractor Beam Room. A careful reading of this room's description tells you the beam is turned on and pointed out into space -- to trap approaching (or departing!) alien craft, no doubt. Push the red button to turn the beam off.

Take your Data Card and leave the room by going south. Turn the rod off and look into the 4-dimensional mirror once more to find the exits. Go west, south, west, down twice, south, west twice, and north to the top of the Tunnel. Enter the car and push the down arrow twice. Once you reach the bottom, drop everything you're carrying except for the rod, spacesuit, helmet, and gloves, then get the bottle and go north and east.

1 Cell to Scanner
2 Tube to Pool
3 Pool to Pillar Room
4 Pillar Room to Spaceport

You find yourself next to a small pool with reeds. As the wind blows through the reeds, an eerie "music" seems to come from them. Get a reed and go north, east, north twice, and south to the Pyramid Steps. You can't seem to enter the passage leading into the Pyramid. Some sort of force field bars the way. Go up to the top of the Pyramid. Sitting in the center is a beautiful Moon Jewel! Get the Jewel and go down, west, and north. This planet seems to be rife with cute, cuddly creatures! This little guy is called a Huja and he could probably be called the "pack rat" of OO-TOPOS, for sitting on the ground in front of him is your Stablizing Gyro! But he's not willing to trade it for something else; he wants it all. No matter what you give him, he'll keep it. Better try to calm this nervous fellow. Well, you know what they say: Music hath charm to soothe the savage beast. That's right, blow through the reed.

A calmness seems to cross over the Huja's features and he appears less nervous. You could even pet it if you wanted to, but you don't have time for that now. Take the Gyro and go east to the Beach. This place is lousy with the parts of your ship! Sitting on the sand is your Shielding Unit! Unfortunately, hovering above it is a wicked looking Collector Robot -- a sort of mechanical janitor. A quick look at the sea tells you that it's molten lava. Throw the reed into the sea. True to its programming, the Collector Robot goes to retrieve your litter and sinks into the sea without waving a claw! Get your Shield and go east to Crab Beach.

Ugh! Look at all those crabs! Nasty beasts with venomous claws surround you. These crabs may be little, but they're certainly not cuddly! On the sand at your feet is a beautiful Ruby Seashell. Take the Shell. Just as you do so, one of the crabs sidles over to your ankle and gives it a painful nip. You can feel the venom coursing through your veins, making you dreadfully thirsty. Drink the liquid from the bottle. Instant relief floods through you as the antidote counteracts the poison from the crab.

Go north. Standing forlornly in front of you is your ship, hull intact, but utterly lifeless. Open the airlock and go north into the airlock. Now go north into the Cargo Bay and drop the Moon Jewel and the Shell. Go south and west to the Computer Room.

As you enter the Computer Room, the Computer Console comes to life and asks you to enter the Mission Code. Enter the "Mission Code" as it's printed on the letter that came with your game package. The Computer tells you what the current ship's status is (including the amount of fuel left), and that you must find artifacts with which to purchase sufficient quantities of fuel to return to Earth. The Computer also tells you which pieces of equipment are missing from the ship and have to be installed before liftoff can occur. It tells you to install the items and bring alien artifacts to it for frod evaluation. At last: Reason to this rhyme!

Go east, south twice, west, south, east, and north to the Jungle Clearing. Examine the flower and try to take it. As you do, the center drops out and falls to the ground. It's an Emerald! Get the Emerald and go east, south, and east to the Pyramid Steps. The Shielding Unit should take care of the force field now, so enter the opening and turn the rod on. Sitting on the floor is a Psi-Cube. Get the Cube and exit the Pyramid. Turn the rod off and go east and west. Get the Ring, Navchip and Data Card. Go north twice, east, and north twice to the Airlock.

Go north to the Cargo Bay and drop the Ring, Emerald and Cube. Now go south and west and install the Data Card. Go west once more and install the Navchip. Now go east and ask the Computer for a status report. It tells you how many "frods" (the monetary unit) are needed to purchase the necessary fuel and how many frods you've collected so far. Since you have to bring all the treasures to the Computer for evaluation, the frod count is zero. Drop the Rod, Shield and Gyro.

Go east, south twice, west, and south twice to the Clearing. Get the Converter, Translator and Laser. Go north twice, east, north twice to the Airlock and east to the Port Engine Room. Install the Converter and go east. Drop the Laser and get the Rod, Shield and Gyro. Go east, south twice, west, an4 Turn the rod on. Here you are back in the Pillar Room. Read the writing on the Pillar: TAKA ELE LEVA. What strange sounding words! Rough translation of these words is "THERE AND BACK." But where's "THERE?" Let's find out! Say TAKA. You feel as if you've been demolecularized as blackness stops all sensation, and put back together as the blackness changes to sparkling lights. Yes, truly, the Pillar was a teleportation device, for when you're "reassembled," you find yourself in a completely different room with another teleporter protruding from the metal wall. Bizarre! Drop the Translator.

From the Teleporter Room go east twice. Without the Shielding Unit and the Stabilizing Gyro, you'd not have been able to do this. Ah, here's your Cryon Purifier and Tachyon Power Cylinder! You can't manage both of these items, so take the Purifier and go west twice. Drop the Purifier, go east twice, and get the Cylinder. Go west twice and drop the Cylinder. What about that north/south passage under the east/west catwalk? Go east and down to the north/south passage, then north. That's the last piece of equipment missing from your ship! Get your Oxygen Recirculator and go south, up, and west. Drop the Recirculator, go east and down. Open the door and go south. This is the Frozen Room you saw in the Viewscreen Room! And there, nestled safely inside an open chest, is the precious, life-saving vial! Get the vial from the chest and go north, up, and west back to the Teleporter Room. Get the Cylinder and say LEVA.

In a heartbeat, you're transported back to the Pillar Room. Drop the Cylinder and say TAKA. Get the Purifier and say LEVA. Drop the Purifier, say TAKA, and get the Recirculator. Finally, say LEVA. Now to move all your equipment to a convenient pickup point. Turn the rod off and go north, west twice, and north. Drop the Recirculator, vial, Gyro and Shield. Go south, east twice, and south. Get the Purifier and the Cylinder. Go north, west twice, and north. Enter the car and push down twice. At the bottom of the Tunnel, drop the Purifier and Cylinder. Enter the car, take it back to the top of the Tunnel and get the Gyro, Shield, Cylinder, and vial. Enter the car and take it to the bottom of the Tunnel. Go north, east twice, west, north twice, and east to the Port Engine Room. Install the Cylinder. Go north to the Starboard Engine Room and install the Shield. Go west, south, and west to the Bridge, and install the Gyro. Go east twice and North to the Cargo Bay. Drop the vial. Go south twice, east, north, west, and south to the Tunnel. Get everything that's there and go north, east twice, west, and north twice to the Airlock. Go east to the Port Engine Room and install the Purifier. Go north and west to Life Support and install the Light Rod and the Recirculator. Go south and ask the Computer for a status report. You should receive a notice saying all the missing equipment is installed and that you have zero frods for purchasing fuel. It's time to evaluate the treasures you've collected.

Go east and close the Airlock. Go north and remove and drop the spacesuit, helmet and gloves. Get the Ring, Shell, Emerald, Sphere, Block, Jewel and Cube and go south and west to the Computer Console. Ask the computer to evaluate each item separately. You should have merchandise worth 527 frods. Here is a list of the items and what each is worth:

Ring 31
Shell 133
Emerald 56
Sphere 89
Block 69
Jewel 119
Cube 30

The Computer states that all is in readiness and instructs you to take your place on the Bridge. Go west to the bridge. It'll be great to get home! The engines rumble to life and you see the planet's surface falling away beneath you. Due to your forethought, the tractor beam has been evaded and no hostiles are detected. After a brief layover at Mealy Sukas trading post to exchange your treasures for fuel, you settle back for an uneventful flight back to Labport V and your final destination: Earth!

The news of your ship's approach abates the panic which threatened an emergency evacuation of a mere handful of the planet's population. The vial you've returned with will save the entire planet from decimation! As you dock at the spaceport, a grateful delegation rushes to meet you. Welcome home, Hero!

( Autor: Unbekannt )

O - Spiele Index P - Spiele