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Final Odyssey - Thesius Versus The Minotaur
Hersteller : Vulcan Software
Genre : Puzzle-Abenteuer
Jahr : 1998
Bewertung : 83 %


Go under the arch and step twice on the pressure pad to close the pit.

Walk right and take the transporter. Step on the pressure pad and return. Now you can go down where the scroll is and take the transporter that is located there. Move up to step on the pressure pad beside the mirrors and return. You can now walk to the far left of the arena. Step on the pressure pad and walk through the automatic doors. Take the transporter at the top left of the arena to collect the money. Go to the next arena by taking the exit at the bottom.

Press the switch on the right to activate the maze transformation. Now that the wall is gone, go around the bottom and up to the transporter. Hide in the small alcove to avoid the rolling booulder. Take the transporter. There are 9 transporters. Only take the one on the top right. Walk up through the electric arcs and collect the key. Return to the transporter. Take the transporter at the bottom to return to where the boulder is. Use the switch just near there. Returns as you did before. The guard has now moved and you can open the door with the key. There is also an underground bonus room to the right if you can find it. Take the left exit to the next arena.

There are a number of hand prints on the wall. Press the second one from the left and the wall will slide into the ground. Go right and collect the bomb in the chest. Step on the one-way path and collect the key in the middle. Get off the path by heading to the outside and getting off down the bottom. Go to the top and destroy the breather. Go back and take the exit at the top of the arena.

Walk right and collect the other bomb in the chest. Walk up to step on the pressure pad. There is a different pressure pad near the force field. Step on it to temporarily disengage the force field, allowing you to walk through it. Go back and take the left path up to the exit.

Walk to the bottom and destroy the homing domes and the orcs. Remember to pick up money whenever you see some. Go through the automatic doors. Slowly move down until you see a boulder come out of the hole at the top. Quickly move back to where you were to allow the boulder to roll past without hitting you. It will then fall into the hole below and fill it up allowing you to walk over it. Select the Nuke as your current weapon and place one just below the cracked wall. The wall is now destroyed. Destroy the other cracked wall and take the exit.

Take the left transporter and collect the plasma rifle. Return. Walk to the top right of the arena. There are columns of stone there. Push the one on the far right and it will move. Collect the money and take the exit.

Don't hesitate here. You will automatically get transported to a room with 3 homing domes firing at you. Immediately go left and drink the invincibility potion. Destroy the domes, collect the food and 3 keys that are now there. Now open the 3 doors and collect the Fireblade from the chest and get ready to use it. Make your way through the maze destroying all the creatures and take the right exit.

This arena can get confusing. The room is full of switches and each switch swaps between 2 different mazes. Your aim is to get to the exit on the right. There area couple of ways to get there. Press the first switch at the top. Go right and press the switch near the flame torch. Press the switch just below that one. Walk up and press the switch there. Collect the goodies and press the switch again. Go down and press the bottom switch. Walk down and press the next switch down. Go right and press the switch there. You can now go out the exit.

Go into the center of the arena and take the transporter. Collect the Chain Gun and return. You will need to use this on Kilmando wholooks like the other orcs, but is much stronger and smarter. Destroy all the orcs. The exit will not open until Kilmando is dead. Fight him among the stone columns and try and get some distance between you beforeletting loose with the Chain Gun. Once he has been killed, collect the gold at the top and take the right exit.

There are a series of pressure pads here. Walk down over the 2 left pressure pads. Once you're on top of the second pressure pad, walk right and step on the pad there. Step on the pressure pad above that and the one on the right. Walk down through the passage and all the pits should now be closed. There is a hand print on the wall, but it won't open until you've destroyed the 4 mirrors. Open the door and destroy the homing domes. Talk to Karlos, then take the right exit.

Kill all the monsters and talk to Gorland. Don't worry about the combination switches yet. Take the left transporter and go through the top exit. Use a bomb to destroy the wall on the left. Now that there's a gap in the wall, you need to push a stone column through there. The only column you can move is the one without a shadow. Push the column 1 down, 4 right, 4 down and then left to the now open wall. Push the column into the hole in the ground so you can walk across and take the left exit.

There is a row of stone columns in this arena. You need to push one onto the transporter to move it. To do this, push the 5th column 2 up, 3 left, 1 down, 3 right, then down to push it onto the transporter. Go through the automatic doors and destroy the crumbled wall. Walk carefully past the arrows and take the transporter. Push the stone column that should now be there up to the pressure pad to deactivate the force field. Now you can go through the force field gate to the exit at the top.

This next section is a series of random mazes. You have to find 3 special keys. The maze will go on forever until the keys are found. A key can be found on every 3rd maze, so keep walking up taking the top exit until you get to the 3rd maze where you will find the first key. Repeat this process for all 3 keys and you will get out to the next arena.

Destroy the 2 breathers, get the key and blow the wall. Push the first stone column you come across onto the transporter at the top. The other columns need to be pushed onto the round buttons on the floor. Once all the buttons have been covered you will be able to open the door. Walk right and push the stone column that was transported up into the hole. You can now walk up to open the door and take the right exit.

Move through the maze killing all the monsters. Use the switch to activate the stairs and go underground. Collect the money, destroy the breather and return to the surface. Take the bottom exit.

Go right, destroy the orcs and go down. Open the automatic doors and wait there for the rolling boulder to come. Don't get out of the way until the last moment in order to let the boulder through the door. It will then keep rolling until it reaches the pit. The boulder fills the pit allowing you to walk over it to the bottom exit.

You're now back to the arena with Gorland the magician in it. Take the right exit into the next arena.

Go right along the bottom and collect all the pickups. Go back up through the arch and collect the bomb on the top left of the arena. The only way to open the force field gate is to get the orc who is in the enclosed room, to step on the pressure pad for you. Move up to the hole on the right and the orc will follow you and step on the pressure pad. Quickly go around and through the now open gate. Open the door with a key and take the exit.

Push the first stone column you come across up. Move the 2nd column down and to the left and push it into the pit. Walk over to the right of the arena and push the top column down and left onto the pressure pad which will open the force field gate. Push the same column down into the pit in front of it. Walk up through the now open gate and destroy the breather. Go down and left to where the 2 stone columns together are. Push the left column down one. Go back around and push the same column 1 left, 1 up, 3 left, and up into the pit. Push the other 2 columns up into the other pits. Go left to the last stone column. Push it 1 down, 2 left, 3 down, 4 right, 2 up, right and then go around and push it into the last pit. Take the exit.

Get through the random hedge maze by destroying all the guards and taking the exit.

Make your way to the switch and activate it. The arena will now turn dark. Collect all the money, destroy the orcs and press the switch again. Take the top left exit and make your way back to the arena where Gorland is located.

Go to the combination switches and make them as follows: down, up, down, down, up, up. Collect the money. You should now have a full money bag. Give the money to Gorland, who will give you an orb in exchange. If there is any money left at the top, return and collect it now that your money bag is empty again. Take the bottom exit.

Make your way through the maze destroying the 2 breathers. Free the girl by inserting the orb into the hole next to the cage. The girl should now be following you. Take the exit on the right.

Take the transporter.

There are 3 switches here. Press the first 2 switches and a key appears. Get it. Take the transporter back. You can now open the door with the key. Find the mirror and break it. Go back and open the wall with the hand print. Take the transporter to the exit.

Destroy the breather, collect all the chest items and make your way to the exit below.

This is the arena with the tunnel that lets the girls escape. Take the girl into the tunnel and walk down it until the girl disappears. An exit is now open at the left of the arena.

You have arrived at the heroes graveyard. Collect the money and leave via the left exit.

Destroy the homing domes. Push the stone column below the flame torch up against the flame torch. You can now move right. There are 3 stone columns here. There is a switch behind the middle one. Push the columns on either side up, so you can move the middle one to the side to reveal the switch. Push the switch. Once the maze has transformed, go to the spinning sword. This is the real Sword of Zendren. Collect it. Press the switch on the left hand side, then leave by the left exit.

Destroy all guards in the random maze and go to the exit.

Kill all the monsters, collect all the money, step on the pressure pad at the bottom, and leave via the right exit.

This maze has invisible walls. The idea is to negotiate the maze and try to get to the 2 pressure pads to close the pits. Once the pits are closed, take the right exit.

Use one bomb to destroy the damaged wall. Destroy the dome with the spinning balls and it will leave a key behind. Hint- to avoid the bouncing balls, leave the arena and come straight back and the balls will be gone! Open the door and collect the 3 bombs there.

Destroy the other walls and leave by the bottom exit.

Go right and up to the next arena. Collect all the money at the top. Press the switch to reveal more money. Return to the invisible wall arena. Take the top exit this time.

Destroy the breather and the 3 damaged walls. Activate the stairs and go underground. Talk to Jobe the blacksmith who will give you a pair of tongs. Return to the surface and take the top exit.

Give Karlos the Sword of Zendren. He will now be free. Go back to the invisible wall arena and take the left exit. You are now clear to take the top exit in the next arena.

Collect the key and all the money. Open the door at the top left. Take the transporter to collect the bonus. Return and leave by the left exit.

Destroy the 4 breathers and take the left exit.

Destroy the breather, collect the key after destroying the spinning balls. Go back to take the right exit.

You can now open the door with the key and go underground. Destroy the breather there. Go back to the surface and remove the fireball. The field should then go down. You should now have a full money bag. Go on a journey back to Gorland the magician, like you did to get to Karlos. Give Gorland the money to get the last orb.

Go to where the 2nd girl is located, (1 arena left and 1 arena down). Free the girl and take the right exit. Get the girl out as before by taking her to the tunnel. Return to the arena with the field and the fireball that are no longer there. Leave via the bottom exit.

Push the stone column on the far right of the arena down 4 places. Push the column that is now left of you across left 2 places and collect the key that is there. Walk up through the door and down through the automatic doors. Kill the Key Master and take the left exit.

Kill all the monsters. Make your way down the bottom left and walk through the sliding doors. Walk back again to re-open the doors to let the rolling boulder through so it can fall into the pit. Take the exit below.

Press the switch that is on the left hand side of the tablet. Destroy all the homing domes. Each will leave behind a key. Collect the keys. Open all the doors and press the switch that is there. You can now take the right exit.

Make your way to the bottom of the arena. The level exit should be open at the bottom. Go through the exit. You've finished level 1.


Step on the pressure pad on the bottom right of the arena. Go back to the left and take the bottom exit. Get on the one way path and collect the key there. Take the other path to the money and collect it. Leave by the left exit.

Take the transporter at the bottom left to collect the pickups in the bonus room. Return. Talk to Griffin who will give you a stopper. Go to the top and take the left exit. Make your way through the maze, taking care to avoid rolling boulders. Collect the money at the top left of the arena and return back to the previous arena where Griffin is, this time take the top exit. Get past the random arena by destroying all the monsters and taking the exit at the top.

Quickly go left to avoid the homing domes and drink the invincibility potion. Destroy the domes, step on the pressure pad and the wall will open. Go through it. Use a bomb to destroy the cracked wall there. Walk through it. Blow up the other wall down the bottom right. You will see 9 pressure buttons on the ground here. You need to push 9 stone columns onto the pressure buttons. Once they are all activated, the picture on the left hand side of the arena will unlock allowing you to reach the exit. Push each stone column through the middle gap in the wall and down. Cover the pressure buttons on the side first, leave the middle vertical row until last. This way you won't get trapped. Go back and push on the picture on the wall. The wall should now slide into the ground allowing you to take the left exit.

Push the stone column down and left so that it is sitting just behind the pit. Take the transporter into the room with the pressure pad. Step on it to make the wall disappear so you can push the stone column into the pit. Take the transporter. Push the 4 stone columns in this room so that the image on top of them fit together to form a square. Once the puzzle is joined together, the image formed is the path you must take in the next arena. Take the transporter back. Make your way up to the top left of the arena. Remember to collect all the money you can find along the way. Take the left exit.

Go down and through the automatic doors. Here you will find a room full of tiles. Some will fall if you step on them, others won't. Follow the path that you learnt from the previous arena, ie. start on the 2nd tile from the left. Walk 2 down, 3 right, 3 down, 2 left, 1 up, 2 left and 3 down. Go to the top to collect the money and take the bottom exit.

Collect all the items in this arena then go to the bottom right. Open the iron gate with a key and take the bottom exit. The kings treasury. Destroy all the cracked walls that stand between you and the treasure. Collect all the money here (including the underground area). Your money bag should now be full. Take the right exit. Destroy the dome with the spinning spheres and collect the key it leaves behind. Go over and take the right exit.

Give your money bag to Gorland who will give you an orb. The only way to get to the other side of this arena is by taking the stairs here, going underground and popping up on the other side. Once there, take the transporter. You will be taken to a room full with more transporters, take the bottom right one. Go to the top to collect the money there. Return back to where Gorland is and take the left exit. Collect all the money here that you couldn't collect before. Take the left exit into the kings treasury. If there's any money there to collect, get it. Take the right exit. Go down through the arch and open the door with a key. Leave via the bottom exit.

Destroy the life stores to gain extra lives. Use an orb to free the girl from the prison. Take the bottom exit There is a combination switch here. Press the first and last switches. Go down and press the switch on the right. When the maze has transformed, step on the pressure pad at the top and return. The wall has now disappeared. Walk through it and press the switch on the right hand side here. Take the bottom exit. Free the girl by walking through the tunnel and collect the money. Leave by the top exit. Press the switch again. Go up and to the left and take the bottom transporter. Press the switch in the little room here and leave by the left exit.

Collect the 2 keys in the chests and all the money. Take the bottom exit. Go through the automatic doors and destroy the 2 damaged walls there. Move the rock to the side then press the switch that was behind it. Collect all the goodies. Your money bag should now be full again. Go back on a journey to visit Gorland and give him your money bag to get another orb. Once you have the orb, make your way back to where the first girl was imprisoned, then take the bottom exit, then take the left exit in the next arena, then take the exit at the top where you will find the 2nd imprisoned girl. Free the girl and take her back to the tunnel to free her. Once free you will be transported back to the beginning of the level.

Take the one-way path down to the bottom. There is another one-way path along the bottom that you can't reach because there's a boulder in the way. Push it right. Get on this new path going right. Keep pushing forwards on the joystick because you have to get off before you reach the end as there is a trap there. There are 3 one-way paths going upwards. Take the one on the right and leave by the right exit. Destroy the homing domes and collect the key. Only open the door on the right. Go through it and push the boulder out of the way to reveal a switch. Push the switch. You can now collect all the money here as the doors are all open. Go back and push the switch on the top right of the arena. Leave by the top exit.

Get through the random maze by destroying all the creatures and leaving by the top exit. The trophy room. Smash all the mirrored spheres by using the crossbow. Push the painting on the right hand side to make is disappear. Go to the top and leave by the right exit.

There are 2 boulders at the top. Push the left boulder down one. Push the right boulder 2 left and down into the first pit. Push the other boulder left and down into the 2nd pit. Go through the doors and collect all the food. Use a bomb to destroy the cracked wall on the bottom right. Above the wall that you just destroyed is a boulder. Push this boulder down through the now open wall and into the pit. Leave by the bottom exit.

Go down and up through the flamers. Step on the pressure pad. The wall will turn into a mirror. Walk through the mirror and take the transporter. Leave via the bottom exit. Destroy all the guards and make your way through the maze to take the bottom exit.

This one's fairly complex. There are 3 pressure pads below you. Walk down over them and you will see the wall disappear and reappear. Walk back over them so that the 2 walls separating you and the transporter are gone. Take the transporter. Step on the pressure pad and return. Go up and step on the pressure pad to open the wall and walk down to the spikes. Go down and step over the pressure pad twice. You will now be able to reach the bottom exit. If you want to get the bonus items, step on the pressure pad near the exit, go back to the 3 pressure pads where you started. The top one of the 3 opens the wall at the top left of the arena. Go to the top left and you will now be able to step on the pressure pad there. Once you've done that, go back right where you'll now be able to walk below to the bottom pressure pad. Step on it. A wall will disappear on the right. Go around and through to collect the chain gun.

Step on the 2 pressure pads here. You will now be able to collect the key above you as well as the food and chain gun at the top. Leave via the bottom exit. Go down to the 4 transporters. Take each transporter in turn and step on the pressure pads. Use a bomb to destroy the cracked wall on the far right. Go down to take the left exit. The guard room. Destroy the guards and take the left exit. Push the switch. Walk to the top and press the switch on the top wall. Walk down and step on the pressure pad. Press the same switch again. Push the switch just below that one and walk down and step on the other pressure pad. The 2 walls on the right should now have vanished. Walk up and press the same switch again. Walk down and push the first switch you used. You can walk up and press the switch at the top right. Step on the pressure pad and push the same switch again.

Push the first switch you pressed when you arrived at the arena and walk through the maze to get to a new switch. Press it. Go right and press the other new switch there. Step on the 2 pressure pads to remove the 2 walls on the left. Return and walk through the 2 walls that are now open. Press the switch on the left of the arena. Use a bomb to destroy the damaged wall. Collect the bonus items, especially the kings key. Go back and take the right exit back to the guard room. Once there take the top exit.

You will see the gatekeeper on the right, (the green transparent creature). Take the transporter to the top. Go to the right, step on the pressure pad and return. Use a bomb to kill the 2 guards protecting the gatekeeper as they're very tough. Take the transporter into the gatekeepers room. Talk to Naga the gatekeeper and give him the kings ring. You can now take the top exit. Get through the random maze following the same procedure as usual.

There is a combination switch here. Push the 2nd and 4th switches and the wall below will vanish. Take the one-way path and leave by the left exit. Get the key and open the iron gate. Walk to the far left. A guard will now be activated. As you can't reach the pressure pad above, you must make the guard step on it for you. Move right and the guard will come down the one-way path. Move back left and he will step on the pressure pad. Quickly walk through the mirror and take the bottom exit.

Destroy the mirrored spheres in this arena. Take the transporter. Blow up the damaged wall. Push the 2 boulders on to the pressure buttons on the floor. Push the other boulder into the pit above. Push one of the 2 boulders here on to the pressure plate at the top and return. There should now be a mirror at the bottom left of the arena. Walk through it. Open the wall with the picture on it, (if it doesn't open you probably haven't destroyed all the mirrored spheres). Leave by the left exit.

Go to the top and push the 3rd switch. Walk down left and take the transporter. Stop the lava coming out of the minotaur's head by pushing the stopper you have into its mouth. The lava will solidify. Walk down and push the switch. Take the bottom exit. Step on the pressure pad at the bottom right of the arena. Walk up and take the transporter. Step on all the pressure pads. You can now go into the room with the flying arrows. Destroy the homing dome and collect the key it leaves behind. Open the iron gate and take the bottom exit.

Make your way to the left destroying all the creatures. Step on the 2 pressure pads on the top left of the arena. Go back and take the right exit. Destroy all the homing domes and collect the keys they leave behind. Leave via the right exit. Step on the first pressure pad you come across, twice. In this room with the rolling boulders, step on all the pressure pads except for the middle one. Go down and to the left. There are 2 pressure pads here. Step on both of them. You should now be able to reach the right exit.

Push the boulder out of the way to reveal a key hole. Open all the doors. Go to the bottom and destroy the 2 damaged walls with bombs. Push one of the boulders on to the transporter. It will be transported to the one above. Push the boulder again to the right on the transporter there. Go back and take the transporter on the far left of the arena. Push the boulder 1 down, 1 right, and down into the pit. Repeat the same procedure with the boulder movement to get the other boulder on to the pressure plate.

Walk through the mirror at the lower right of the arena and take the bottom exit. You have now finished level 2.


Collect the nuke at the top left of the arena. Use the bomb to destroy the iron gate. Walk over the pressure pad twice to close the trap door. Leave by the bottom exit. Take the bottom transporter. Collect the key and return. Take the transporter in the middle of the arena and open the door with the key. Go through the door and take the transporter there. Go up to the top where there is a red brick wall. One of the bricks is actually a switch, push it.

Once the maze has transformed, go back down and take the transporter. Walk down to the bottom where you will now have access to a new switch. Push the switch and a pressure pad will appear behind you, step on it and push the wall switch again. Walk up through the door and use the transporter there again. Walk up and push the switch again. Walk back down and take the transporter. You should now be able to take the right exit.

Walk up through the automatic doors. There is a stone statue of a monster here. This statue can be moved around the maze. Push it 5 left, 2 down, 6 right, 1 down, 4 right and down into the pit. You can now walk over the pit. Remember to collect all the money you come across on your journey. Walk down to the other stone statue. Push it 5 right and up onto the transporter. Walk up to where the statue has been transported and push it 1 right, 3 up, 4 left, 1 down, 4 right, and 6 down onto the pressure switch on the floor. Now that the switch has been activated, you can open the iron door and get out via the top exit.

Be careful of all the monsters in this arena. Collect the nuke and walk to the bottom left. Push the statue away from the iron gate and place a bomb where the statue was to destroy the gate. Push the brick switch to activate the stairs. Go underground, collect all the money and key you will find there and return. Move the stone statue 1 right to reveal a key hole behind it. Open the hidden door using the key you just found. Take the right exit.

Avoid the electric fields on the ground. Destroy the rotating balls that fire homing bolts at you. There are 2 keys in the chests above, collect them. Get the money in the underground level and return. Open the 2 doors and take the right exit.

Go up and blow up the iron gate with a nuke. Go back down, walk past the 3 wall flamers and take the transporter there into the room with a line of stone statues. The 5th statue can be moved, push it up onto the transporter. Take the original transporter back. Take the transporter just above the one you're on into the little room with the blue pressure pad. Move up onto the next transporter. You should be back in the room with the statue you just transported. Push this statue 2 right onto the other transporter. Take the left transporter back to the beginning. Where the 2 transporters are, take the top one to where the statue is now located. Push the statue 1 up onto the blue pressure pad. A secret door has been opened on the left. Go back and walk through the door that looks like a mirror. Take the right exit.

Walk through the automatic doors into the room with the presure pads in. Step on all the pressure pads except for the bottom right pressure pad. Collect the money at the top. Push the stone statue on the left, down. You can now move right and push the other statue right to collect the money there. Push the 3rd statue down into the pit and take the bottom exit. Collect all the money in this arena. Walk through the automatic doors and destroy the girl in the machine. Take the bottom exit.

Walk around to the top left of the arena to destroy the 2 girls in the machines. Go back and destroy the 3 iron gates with nukes. Talk to Scylla then take the left exit. There is a door with a key hole here, but you don't have a key. The door is a decoy. Push the stone statue 1 right to reveal a switch behind it. Push it. Go through the automatic doors and destroy the homing spheres. Step on the pressure pad on the left and go to the top and press the wall switch. Destroy the homing spheres and step on the pressure pad on the left. Walk down and collect the bonus items. You will see a set of stairs has appeared. Go underground and collect the money there. Return to the surface. Take the top exit.

Walk to the top of the arena and talk to Ravana. There are 3 guards along the top that must be killed before the exit will open. Destroy the guards and take the left exit. Be careful of all the stone statues in this arena. Most of them come alive. Collect all the items at the bottom right and take the bottom exit. Make your way down the bottom. One of the statues won't turn into a monster, push it 1 right to reveal a switch. Push it. Walk left and push the switch, then walk up and press the switch there. Walk to the bottom left of the arena and press the switch to reveal the exit. Take it.

Destroy the 2 girls in machines in this arena. You will have to blow up the iron gate to get through. If you have been collecting all the money you come across then your money bag should be full. Give it to Gorland who will give you an orb in return. Take the bottom exit. Use the potions wisely as they're your only chance of survival. Take each transporter in turn going counter clockwise stepping on each pressure pad as you go. Then take the transports to reach the bottom exit.

In this arena you must push the stone statues on to the pressure switched on the ground. Only when all switches are pushed down will the iron door be able to be opened. Push the statues on the left first so you don't trap yourself. In the bottom left room are 4 switches. Push a statue on to the bottom switch first, then the right switch, then another statue on the left switch and another on the top switch. Push the last moveable stone statue on the floor switch near the transporter. You should now be able to open the iron door. Take the transporter into the room with the homing spheres. Destroy them, collect all the items in the room and take the transporter back. Take the bottom transporter, open the door with the key, and leave via the bottom exit. Collect all the coins in this arena then take the left exit.

Push the first stone statue you come across up into the pit and destroy the gate with a nuke. Walk through the automatic door and push the stone statue down 1. Walk back around, destroy all girls in machines. Walk up through the 3 automatic doors to the stone statue again. Push the statue 3 right. Walk back around so you can push the statue up 1 on to the pressure switch on the floor. You should now be able to open the iron door and collect the key. Use the key to open the door into the bonus room. Collect all the items and take the top exit.

Get on the one-way path. Keep moving to avoid the rolling boulder. You will come across 3 paths heading downwards, you need to get on the middle path. Take the transporter you find there and take the top exit. Kill all the guards in the random arena and the top exit will open. Take the exit into the next arena. In this arena you will find heaps of one-way paths. Go to the right where you will find a food bonus. Take the stairs and collect the money. Return to the surface. Walk to the top and take the left exit.

Free the imprisoned girl with an orb and take the bottom exit. Take the transporter and use the stairs to go underground. Collect the money there are return to the surface. Take the transporter back and destroy the 3 iron gates with nukes. Collect the coins and take the bottom exit. Free the girl by taking her through the tunnel of light. Your money bag should now be full. Take the top exit.

You need to make your way back to Gorland to get the last orb. Take the top exit, then take the right exit. Take the top exit, then the right exit. You should now be back to where Gorland is located. Get the last orb by giving him your full money bag. Walk back the way you came to get to the second girl. Free the girl using the orb and take her to the tunnel of light as before to free her. Return to the arena where Gorland is again. Take the left exit, followed by the next left exit. Walk through the automatic doors. Take the transporter and destroy the 2 girls in machines. Return. Walk up through the 3 circular doors and take the top exit. Destroy the girl here and take the exit back to where you came from.

Walk down again and around through the wall spikes. There is a combination switch here. Push in switches 1,3,4 and 6 to reverse the one-way paths, allowing you to get through. Take the top exit. Get through the random maze as per usual, by destroying the guards and taking the top exit. Walk up to the left of the electric floors, when the arrow reaches the top opening, push the stone statue right to trap the arrow allowing you to walk back around over the electric floor tiles without being hit by the arrow. There is a secret door in this arena. In the room with all the stone statues in, there are 3 along the very bottom. Push the middle statue 1 left and upwards on to the blue pressure plate. The secret door has opened. Collect the key and open the other door with it. Take the top exit.

Make your way through the maze being careful to avoid the boulders (use potions wisely). You will find a switch at the top right of the arena. Push it to transform the maze. Make your way into the middle of the arena where you will find an amulet. Pick it up and go back and push the switch again. Go back as before and take the bottom exit. Now that you have the amulet, you need to return it to Ravana. To get back to him, take the exits as follows. Take the bottom exit, then the right exit, followed by the right exit. You should now be in the arena with Gorland in it. Take the right exit, then the top exit, followed by the right exit. You should now be with Ravana. Give him the amulet and he will give you an iron rod in return. Take the bottom exit.

Press the wall switch, walk through the door, press the switch there and take the right exit. Walk up to Scylla and talk to her. She should now give you the secret to the combination switch below. Push in the first 2 switches and the last 2 switches. The man guarding the exit should now disappear. Take the exit. Push the switch. Take the transporter. Step on the pressure pad and return via the transporter. You can now get on the one-way path. Press the switch at the end of the one-way path and take the bottom exit. Make your way through the maze destroying all the creatures and take the bottom exit.

Walk right. Step on the pressure pad being careful to avoid the arrows. Step on the transporter just below that. You should now be in a room full of stone statues. The 5th statue can be moved. Push it 2 down, 1 right, and up on to the transporter. Take the transporter back. Walk up and around through the automatic doors. Walk down and take the transporter you will find at the bottom. You should now find yourself in a tiny room with the transported statue just above you. Push it up on to the blue pressure pad. Take the transporter the statue was sitting on. Walk up through the secret door and collect the key. Walk down and push the 2nd stone statue 2 up on to the transporter. Use the right transporter to get back to where you started. Push the stone statue you just transported 1 left, 3 up, and 8 down into the pit, allowing you to walk over it. Use the transporter and take the left exit.

Get through the labyrinth destroying all the monsters. Take the top exit into the random arena. Get past the random arena as per usual and take the top exit. This is the arena with the Vortex in it. To get past the Vortex, you must shove the iron bar you have in to the fan generator to destroy the computer. Take the top exit. This arena is full of fall-away tiles that give way and fall after you've stepped on them. You can get trapped easily, so take it slowly. Best to save the game before you try this, just in case. Once you make it through, take the left exit.

Make your way through the maze collecting the nukes and take the bottom exit. Destroy the iron gates one by one using your nukes until you reach the bottom exit. Take the exit.

Take the master exit at the bottom to reach level 4.


Level 4 is more of a combat challenge than puzzle orientated. Take the following exits to reach the end of level 4. The direction tells you which exit to take. ie. 'right' means take the right exit to the next arena.

Take the bottom exit to the next arena. Go down and take the bottom exit again. Go right. Up. Get through the random maze. Right. Down. Get the key in this arena. Go back up, left, down, and left. Take the bottom exit. Right. Open the fourth door with a key and collect all the keys you find there. Open the last door and take the right exit. Down. Go to the bottom right of the arena, open the door with a key and take the right exit. Take the transporter to the secret room and open the door with a key. Take the transporter in this room and take the bottom exit. Right. Take the bottom exit to level 5.


Get the key and take the top exit. Up. Get through the random maze. Up. Up. Right. Down. Right. Down. Right. There is a section of the castle with cracked walls. Blow it up with a bomb to get through. Up. Left. Up. Walk up to the picture with a black monster on it and the wall will disappear. Take the left exit. Up. Left. There is a food bonus here. Make sure you get the potion first. Take the right exit. Up. Random maze. Walk through the walls and take the left exit. Left. Dodge the arrows and continue to the left exit. Down. There are a series of arenas here that look identical. Each time you take the bottom exit, it appears as if you are still in the same arena. Keep going down until you find the key and return to the top. Right. Right. Open the door with the key and take the right exit. Down. Right. Down. Walk through the wall on the right. The wall next to the window can be pushed out and moved around. Push it and get the key in the next room. Open the door at the bottom and take

Take the transporter into the room with the Minotaur. Dodge the rolling rocks. Stay towards the back of the arena and fire at him from a distance. If you get close he will throw fireballs at you. If you have some chaingun ammunition left us that as he's real tough. Don't move around too much as there are a large number of Goolyns around. Kill the Minotaur and you've completed the game.

( Autor: Unbekannt )

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