Komplettlösung ( englisch )

D - Spiele Index E - Spiele

Dungeon Adventure
Hersteller : Level 9
Genre : Abenteuer
Jahr : 1987
Bewertung : 74 %

"Jewels Of Darkness " graphic version:- On a Wide Stone Bridge......go down to the Mud Bank, outside the Packing Case.

IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - (the room will now invert) - E - PRESS BUTTON -(a "copy" of your body scan is now processed!) - OUT - UP - N - N - N - N -TAKE ALL - (the helmet will provide your permanent source of light, later, but it needs the Will o" the Wisp to function properly) - S - S - S - S - S - W - W - TAKE SEED - (the seeds from this pod are explosive!) - E - E - E - N - WAVE SEED - (you cause some loud explosions, making you temporarily deaf) - N - (the Siren flees!) - TAKE MIRROR - (the tree to the North is a killer willow tree, and has six deadly "arms". Therefore you must throw SIX objects over first to occupy the arms and render it safe!!) - THROW SEED -THROW CRUCIFIX - THROW HELMET - (all grabbed upwards by the tree).

S - S - E - E - (a sleep spell will now hit you but the mirror reflects it!) - S - (you frighten off a masked man) - TAKE ALL - (you will notice that the dice are "loaded" and this will prove useful, later) - N - W - N -UP - (the berry here is really to drop on the Giants below, but as your inventory is currently full, drop the dice.....the effect is the same!!) -DROP DICE - (the Giants run off) - DOWN - N - TAKE BELT - WEAR BELT - (you can now carry more) - TAKE DICE - S - S - W - N - N - THROW DICE - THROW COINS - THROW MIRROR - (all the arms of the tree are now occupied) - N -TAKE AXE - CHOP TREE - (the Dryad begs you to spare the tree) - YES - (she gives you a carving and makes the tree drop everything) - TAKE ALL - WEAR HELMET.

S - S - (the Sun will now begin to hang low in the sky) - S - W - W - W - S - W - WAIT -(the Leader of the Rakshasa wants to gamble) - YES - (as the dice are loaded, you win!) - E - E - E - WAVE SEED - (the explosions scare off the bloated yellow bird) - UP - TAKE EGG -DOWN - N - W - N - DOWN -DROP SEED - TAKE CASE - TAKE DRIFTWOOD - UP - (the Sun is now setting but you're soon to obtain a temporary light source) - N - N - N - LIGHT DRIFTWOOD -(the "Treasure Vault" to the East is a trap!!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E -DROP CARVING - DROP COINS - DROP EGG - DROP MIRROR - DROP AXE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - N - N - W - SEARCH CORPSE - WEAR ORANGE - TAKE ALL - E - SE - NE - THROW CORPSE -(the Jellies converge upon it!) - SW - PUSH STONE - PUSH STONE - PUSH STONE - (the slab now slides from the doorway).

E - PRESS BOULDER - (the moss moves from the walls!) - E - TAKE SWORD - W -NW - NW - TAKE FIGURINE - SE - NE - (the Octopus enables you to see) - TAKE STAFF - SW - W - W - TAKE CUBE - (the cube is magnetic) - E - E - E - E -SEARCH HAYSTACK - (you locate a Jewelled Needle) - DROP CASE - TAKE NEEDLE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP NEEDLE - DROP CUBE - DROP DICE -PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - W - W - SW - UP - UP - WAVE STAFF - (the Skeletons leave and the Dwarf offers to locate a rich vein of ore for you as a reward) - WAVE WAND - (this sees off the Flint-thrower to the SE) - SE - (the Dwarf now follows you) - WEAR GREEN - TAKE CHAIR - NW - UP - KILL DRAGON WITH SWORD - TAKE ALL - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E -DROP BED - DROP TEETH - DROP CHAIR - DROP STAFF - DROP WAND - DROP FIGURINE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - DOWN - N - (the Vampire cowers from your crucifix) - W - TAKE CROSS - E - THROW CROSS - (the Vampire is now killed) - TAKE CROSS - E - OUT - W - W - UP - UP - (from now on if you hear a boulder approaching from ABOVE, proceed to the nearest gulley and "WAIT" until the boulder passes safely. You are now safe from the sound of boulders from below!).

UP - UP - UP - (the Dwarf will now find a hidden opening in the rock) - IN - TAKE ORE - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP ORE - DROP CROSS - DROP CRUCIFIX - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - S - (remember to make for the nearest gulley when you hear the sound of boulders from above!) - UP - UP - UP - UP - N - (you are now asked for the password) -PASSWORD - (!!) - N - UP - SAY YELLOW - (you teleport to the Yellow Pedestal) - DOWN - W - W - W - S - TAKE STICK - N - E - E - E - E - N - N -UP - UP - UP - UP - S - S - S - (remember those boulders again!) - UP - UP - UP - UP - N - N.

(Note:- In the "Jewels of Darkness" trilogy....C64 version....this is the point where the Lenslok test is called for!!).

BLOW STICK - (the whistling sound opens the door) - N - E - S - DOWN - DOWN - N - N - N - E - TAKE WISP - (you now have a permanent light source!!) - W - (the Roc should now carry you up to it's nest) - TAKE CATERPILLAR -SQUEEZE CATERPILLAR - (a silken rope is formed!) - DROP CATERPILLAR - TAKE ROPE - TAKE CRYSTAL - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP STICK - DROP CRYSTAL - DROP DRIFTWOOD - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE.

TIE ROPE TO NEST - DOWN - LOOK - (you acquire a battered Silver Face Mask) - TAKE MASK - S - S - S - W - S - UP - UP - N - W - S - S - UP - SAY RED -(you teleport to the Red Pedestal) - DOWN - SE - NE - W - W - S - TAKE SLIVER - N - W - W - S - TAKE BLUE - WEAR BLUE - (the Blue Pedestal is in the middle of the Wight's House, so you will need the Cross and Crucifix!) - TAKE CREAM - N - E - E - E - S - TAKE POT - (don't drop this ANYWHERE yet!) - N - E - E - E - (the Rat flees from the potato sliver!.......must have heard of Rat & Chips!!) - N - TAKE PENDANT - DROP CASE - IN - IN -TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP MASK - DROP SLIVER - DROP PENDANT - TAKE CROSS -TAKE CRUCIFIX - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - S - W - W - SE - TAKE ALL - NW - WEAR CREAM - (rubbed all over you for protection from heat!) - UP -UP - IN - TAKE MEDALLION - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - N - N - FILL POT - (with the slime) - UP - UP - EAT MUSHROOMS - (they are a drug, and an illusion of a golden pathway replaces the rotting bridge!).

N - (a Troll now demands payment) - GIVE MEDALLION - N - N - N - N - N -(you bump into some invisible mushrooms!!) - EAT MUSHROOMS - (YOU are now invisible!) - S - S - S - W - TAKE SPICES - TAKE MEDALLION - E - N - DOWN -(you are now visible again) - EAT MUSHROOMS - (you will now shrink and all your worldly goods will be deposited on the ground. Notice how the cracked pot is cleverly tucked away in a corner, though!!) - N - N - (the Ants ignore you) - EAT MUSHROOMS - EAT MUSHROOMS - (you are now a Giant and on the way back you will crush the Ants!) - S - S - (now you must shrink again and perform a little task, empty-handed!) - EAT MUSHROOMS - UP - N - N - N - N - W - OPEN DOOR - (forget the chest for now......you must come back from the OTHER side of the door, later) - E - S - S - S - S - DOWN - N - N - EAT MUSHROOM - (to grow again!).

S - S - TAKE BELT - WEAR BELT - WEAR HELMET - WEAR BLUE - TAKE ALL - (in the original text-only version, you must take each item seperatley but take and wear the belt FIRST!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E -DROP MEDALLION - DROP SPICES - DROP BOW - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE -UP - S - S - S - S - DOWN - DOWN - S - S - W - UP - SAY BLUE - (you teleport to the Blue Pedestal) - DOWN - S - S - SHUT COFFIN - (you secure it with the hammer and nails. This prevents the Zombie from attacking you!) - TAKE TRIDENT - N - N - N - W - N - UP - DROP POT - (it will shatter and spill the slime you collected in it, earlier) - TAKE HORN - (skidsville for the Goat!!) - UP - (during the next few moves you may hear a boulder approaching from above. Take refuge in the NEAREST GULLEY, as before) - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - N - N - (Lenslok time again....C64 version!!) - N - E - UP - PUSH BUTTON 9 - LOOK - (you are now in the Pit).

WEAR SILVER - TAKE GEM - (the Demon within now attacks your mind!!) - HIT GEM - (using the hammer) - E - E - N - S - S - W - S - UP - UP - N - UP -PUSH BUTTON 4 - (the Throne rises through a trapdoor and you are now in an Odd Little Room) - DOWN - WEAR MITHRIL - DROP HAMMER - TAKE LAPIS - TAKE ONYX - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP LAPIS - DROP ONYX -DROP CRUCIFIX - DROP TRIDENT - DROP CROSS - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - UP - SAY SILVER - (you teleport to the Silver Pedestal) - DOWN - E -(through the armoured door that you unbolted earlier!) - TAKE CHEST - W -DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP CHEST - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - N - TAKE PIG - E - DOWN - DROP PIG - (it dissolves!) - LOOK -TAKE PEARL - UP - UP - UP - E - UP - E - TAKE TOPAZ - W - W - UP - UP - E -TURN STATUE - (to reveal an Eastward opening) - E - TAKE RHINESTONE - W - W - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - N - DOWN - IN - PRESS BUTTON 9 - PRESS BUTTON 4 - INVENTORY - (the present is a Sapphire!).

UP - UP - UP - UP - IN - TAKE BOX - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - S - DROP BOX - (you drown the snake within!!) - OPEN BOX - TAKE OPAL - N - UP - UP - UP - UP - IN - E - TAKE EMERALD - W - OUT - UP - UP - UP - UP - UP - IN - (the boulder passes safely!) - OUT - UP - UP - IN - (a Black Sphere will now follow you) - OUT - UP - UP - UP - CLOSE EYES - (to avoid the effect of what you could see!) - N - (the Black Sphere will now collide with the other one, and they destroy each other!!) - OPEN EYES - TAKE DIAMOND - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP TOPAZ - DROP DIAMOND - DROP OPAL - DROP RHINESTONE - DROP EMERALD - DROP PEARL - DROP SAPPHIRE - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - TAKE SHIELD - S - CLOSE EYES - DOWN - OPEN EYES - DOWN - IN - (the shield protects you from the spikes) - SEARCH CORPSE -TAKE BLINDFOLD - TAKE GAUNTLET - OUT - UP - IN - WEAR GAUNTLET - (to protect your hand from the ring) - TAKE RING - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - IN -TAKE WEDGE - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - IN - (the boulder passes safely again!) -OUT - DOWN - DOWN - IN - DROP WEDGE - W - W - W - W - (you go West eventually to the Treasure Room) - TAKE AGATE.

E - E - E - DOWN - THROW RING INTO OPENING - (to tie up the flesh!) - IN -TAKE RUBY - OUT - DOWN - WEAR BLINDFOLD - IN - (the acid destroys your blindfold, but not your eyes!) - TAKE BROOCH - OUT - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN -IN - THROW BROOCH - (the elephant on the brooch expands and flattens the Executioner!) - TAKE AMETHYST - W - TAKE HOOD - (don't wear it!) - N - DOWN - DOWN - S - UP - UP - UP - UP - (this is where you get out!!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP HORN - DROP SHIELD - DROP HOOD -DROP GAUNTLET - TAKE SAPPHIRE - TAKE EMERALD - TAKE OPAL - TAKE DIAMOND -TAKE PEARL - TAKE TOPAZ - (you now hold NINE gems).

PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - IN - (you have survived the Central Dungeon, but there's only one way out!) - DROP CASE - IN - IN - TAKE CHANDELIER - E - DROP PEARL - DROP OPAL - DROP SAPPHIRE - DROP EMERALD -DROP AGATE - DROP AMETHYST - DROP DIAMOND - DROP RUBY - DROP TOPAZ - TAKE CRUCIFIX - TAKE CROSS - TAKE TEETH - TAKE HORN - PRESS BUTTON - OUT - TAKE CASE - E - UP - SAY RED - (you teleport to the Red Pedestal) - DOWN - S - S - S - S - S - S - (from now on, when you see the Orcs:- "BLOW HORN") - BLOW HORN - E - E - E - E - (a hollow voice intones: "This is your referee speaking. If you continue on this road you will return safe to civilisation and the game will end. Are you sure that you want to?") - YES.



( Autor: Unbekannt )

D - Spiele Index E - Spiele